Are you allergic to dust mites? Do you want protection against bedbugs?
Are you just looking to protect your bedding against liquids and soiling?
We have the cover for you. We can help!

Housses pour literie antiacariens et anti-punaises de lits. Efficacité éprouvée en laboratoire, Recommandées par les allergologues, Garantie longue durée, Confort et protection maximale

We invite you to shop online or by phone.  You can reach us at 418-626-8611, 888-847-7951 toll-free. Promotion, delivery to 0$ with purchase of 300$ and + before taxes.

FAQ - Allergies, dust mites, bedbugs and other questions

What are dust mites?

What causes the allergic reaction?

How can covers help?

What else can I do to protect myself against these allergens?

Have your covers been treated for dust mites?

What distinguishes one cover from another?

Should new covers be washed before use?

Should I wash the covers often?

What are the situations where I should wash covers right away?

Do I need a drawsheet or bedpad when using a Medik Elite waterproof cover?

Should I put a cover on my duvet too?

Do I need to cover the bed base?

What are bedbugs?

Are your covers adapted to protect against bedbugs? What do you mean by “adapted”?

What can I do to protect against bedbugs?

What should I do if I find bedbugs at home? Do I have to throw away the mattress?

Can I do the exterminating myself?

And if there are still bedbugs around, how can I prevent them from reaching the bed?

What is an N95 respirator mask?




Haut de la pageWhat are dust mites?


Allergy-causing dust mites (Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus) are microscopic spiders. Their average lifespan is 60 to 80 days. Dust mites feed on mold and debris from dead skin (dander). They like living in mattresses and pillows where the heat and humidity are ideal for their rapid reproduction.



Haut de la pageWhat causes the allergic reaction?


It's not the dust mite that causes the reaction, but rather its waste, i.e., droppings and debris from dead mites. “A dust mite can lay up to 300 eggs during its short lifespan and excrete up to 200 times its body weight in fecal matter” (Compétences Médicales Supplément  No. 4, 1996).

Dust mites thrive and proliferate in summer heat and humidity. With the arrival of fall, the dry air of closed, heated rooms makes life difficult for dust mites. But the dry air causes their copious droppings (about 10 microns in diameter) to disintegrate into microparticles. In the morning, when the room is bright with sunlight, you can see these fine dust particles floating in the air as you make or strip the bed. These days, nearly one in four people are allergic to this dust.



Haut de la pageHow can covers help?


A single dust mite produces up to 20 droppings a day on average, and a mattress houses two million dust mites. Add the remains of millions of dead dust mites and it doesn't take long for a mattress to fill up with this microscopic mite dust. Whenever you sit or lie on your bed, it’s like activating a bellows that propels thousands of particles into the air. By enclosing mattresses, pillows, and duvets with good quality dust mite covers, the source of the dust emissions is isolated. Indoor air becomes cleaner, symptoms subside, and you’ll feel better in just a few days.
Covers relieve the symptoms of children suffering from allergic rhinitis and protect them from developing chronic asthma. They also diminish symptoms associated with allergic asthma and prevent them from worsening. The same goes for other dust mite allergy symptoms, including sinusitis, conjunctivitis, laryngitis, and atopic dermatitis (eczema). The covers improve the quality of your sleep, help reduce your need for medication, cut down on school and work absenteeism, and lead to an overall improvement in your quality of life.



Haut de la pageWhat else can I do to protect myself against these allergens?

The main steps you can take involve eliminating the sources of irritation, i.e., reducing exposure to allergen dust and making every effort to get rid of dust mites. There is a correlation between a decrease in allergen load and clinical improvement. The covers are obviously the first step and the most logical one! But they only work if you apply some common sense measures.
Controlling the environment is a must!  In a room where the humidity is 85%, dust mites eat five times more and produce five times more droppings. Bedrooms should be ventilated frequently to keep the humidity level below 50% and the ambient temperature under 20°C. Acquire a hygrometer. A reduction of just 5% in humidity will result in six times fewer dust mites. When the humidity level is 40% or under, dust mites can't reproduce or even survive.
Do everything you can to eliminate dust and dust traps. If possible replace upholstered furniture with smooth cover sofas (leather or leatherette); opt for smooth and washable floors over carpets and rugs, washable venetian blinds over thick curtains, closed pieces of furniture over shelving and open bookshelves, and synthetic rather than flannel sheets; store or remove stuffed animals, knickknacks and old books; wash bedding in hot water once a week; vacuum regularly rather than sweeping, wearing a N95 respirator (available at hardware stores) while you do and, if possible, using a vacuum cleaner with a HEPA filter, or a central vacuum that vents to the outside.
These are some steps that can help you feel better. They can’t replace or eliminate the need for medical treatments such as immunotherapy (allergy desensitization), but they are useful complementary measures that can improve treatment effectiveness.



Haut de la pageHave your covers been treated for dust mites?


Allergo Medik covers form a natural protective barrier against dust mites. Dust mite treatment often involves saturating the product with a mite-killing pesticide. This type of treatment may seem helpful, insofar as it reduces the number of dust mites. But since it only kills dust mites on the surface, it doesn't really provide full protection because debris from dead dust mites also triggers allergic reactions.
A good vacuum cleaner and hot water washings will decrease the number of dust mites, too, but will also eliminate debris. Pesticide treatment is only effective for a time and its long-term health effects are unclear. A fabric barrier proven effective in tests will better protect you against dust mite allergens.



Haut de la pageWhat distinguishes one cover from another?


All of our covers provide maximum barrier protection against dust mites. The differences arise in how they work:

  • The Medik Elite Plus ®   Multifilamentary yarn of high density polyester threads  (2 800 000 microfilaments per m2)  
  • The MediSoft Plus ®       Multifilamentary yarn of high density polyester threads  (1,400,000 microfilaments per m2)
  • The Medik Easy Plus ®  Multifilamentary yarn ofhigh density polyester threads    (   930,000 microfilaments per m2)

They all work equally well against bedbugs and are effective in limiting bedbug proliferation. They make eradication easier and protect your mattress from infestation.

Haut de la pageShould new covers be washed before use?


We recommend you do so because the material used to manufacture the covers was stored in a warehouse. Fine dust may have settled on the material over time and could bother highly allergic customers. An initial wash will remove these particles and soften the fabric, making the cover more comfortable.


Haut de la pageShould I wash the covers often?


There is no need to wash them often because they don't come in contact with the body. Washing them two to four times a year is sufficient. However, to limit the proliferation of dust mites on the surface, you should wash your sheets, blankets, and pillow cases in hot water once a week. We also recommend you vacuum the covers once a month (on both sides of the mattress).

Except in the event of an accident, we don't recommend washing your covers too often because every time you remove them, you release large quantities of dust allergens. Protect yourself by wearing a N95-type respirator mask or have someone else who is not allergic remove the covers for you. Leave the room while this is being done and stay away for a few hours. Ask the person to vacuum the entire room, the mattress, and the pillows before replacing the covers.



Haut de la pageWhat are the situations where I should wash covers right away?


Wash the mattress cover immediately after a major accident, especially if there is no drawsheet, or right after a urine accident (cat or human) or the spilling of any liquid that leaves an odor.
Of course with Medik Elite these liquids won’t reach the mattress because they are blocked by the polyurethane hydrophilic coating. But even though the coating is 100% waterproof, it is breathable, which means it’s permeable to moisture and gaseous emissions and therefore to smells. To prevent foul odors from impregnating the mattress, remove the cover for cleaning as soon as possible, and take the opportunity to air the mattress out well. Of course, if you are allergic, wear a mask or have someone else remove the cover for you.



Haut de la pageDo I need a drawsheet or bedpad when using a Medik Elite waterproof cover?


The Medik Elite cover blocks liquids so they can't reach the mattress. However, the 100% polyester fabric does not absorb liquids, as it is hydrophobic. To avoid discomfort in the event of an accident, it's a good idea to use a bedpad or drawsheet to absorb liquids. The bedpad or drawsheet disperses liquids better than the sheet can and helps keep the skin dry, while also providing cushioning comfort.
If you already have a drawsheet to protect your mattress, leave it on, not under the cover but on top of it, i.e., between the cover and the sheet. The mattress will benefit from double protection and your cover can be kept on the mattress longer without requiring washing. Unless there is a major accident, simply wipe the cover with a damp cloth from time to time.
A drawsheet complements the protective cover nicely. However, if you are allergic and want to prevent dust mites from colonizing your drawsheet, you’ll need to wash it in hot water once a week, as recommend for sheets and blankets. Some manufacturers sell multilayer mattress covers (fabric barrier + padded absorbent surface). We ruled out this option because these thick covers provide dust mite hideouts and have to be washed every week—not a good idea for dust mite covers.



Haut de la pageShould I put a cover on my duvet too?


Like the mattress and pillows, duvets are easily infested by dust mites. If you can wash your own duvet once or twice a month you may not need a duvet cover, but there’s no guarantee. Some thick duvets don't tolerate multiple washing well and have to be dry cleaned instead—an expensive option. We recommend you opt for guaranteed protection and enclose them in a cover.

If you’re not sure what to do, proceed one step at a time: First enclose your mattress and pillows in covers with a proven barrier (like ours have) and stop using your duvet for several days—long enough to feel the benefits of effective dust mite protection. Once you’ve been feeling better for a number of days, use your duvet again after washing it. If your symptoms return in the weeks that follow, you know you have to cover the duvet as well. Call us. We can help.



Haut de la pageDo I need to cover the bed base?


If you have a box spring or padded bed base it may house dust mites and should be replaced by a base made with slats or horizontal springs and not covered in fabric. Otherwise seal it hermetically in a cover. In fact, we recommend a cover as a preventive measure to prevent bed bug infestations, regardless of the type of bed base.


Haut de la pageWhat are bedbugs?


Bedbugs (Cimex lectularius) are biting and blood sucking insects with a flat, oval-shaped reddish-brown body the size and shape of an apple seed. They make their home in mattresses, box springs, bed bases, and pillows, i.e., near their victims. They are attracted to body heat and bite while their victims are sleeping in order to feed on their blood. The bites leave itchy lesions and sometimes hives. Reactions vary with the victim's sensitivity.
Bedbugs proliferate rapidly and are difficult to exterminate. The female can lay from 200 to 400 eggs in her lifetime, depending on temperature conditions and access to food (blood). The eggs take 6 to 17 days to hatch. They are white, about the size of a pinhead, and difficult to see and destroy because they are sticky and are usually laid in creases, seams, mattress crevices, and anywhere else that may serve as a hiding place in and around the bed.



Haut de la pageAre your covers adapted to protect against bedbugs?  What do you mean by “adapted”?


Our covers are “adapted” because they were manufactured with bedbugs in mind, i.e., no parasite can penetrate or escape and bedbugs can't even find a place to hide—which isn’t the case for all dust mite covers.
The cover’s inner seams are reinforced on the bias and the full length of the zipper is protected by a double flap on the inner surface. As a result, there is nowhere for bedbugs to hide and lay eggs on the cover's outside surface.
In addition, to ensuring a perfect seal, the final segment of the zipper extends past the normal stops. The two sides are close together and attached to the cover so they can’t work open on their own. These design features protect your mattress from infestation and make it easier to detect and eradicate bedbugs.



Haut de la pageWhat can I do to protect against bedbugs?


The real question is “How can I prevent bedbugs from getting into my house in the first place?” It's not easy! They can infiltrate everywhere and could arrive by a thousand different routes. You can bring them back from the movie theater, a store, a hotel, in your suitcases, or on your clothes—anyone can unwittingly cause an infestation. Even if you are extremely careful, it can happen to you. It's best to take precautions. Even before an infestation, think about protecting your mattress and reducing the number of places where bedbugs can hide.
Health Canada recommends that mattresses be enclosed in a hermetically sealable dust mite cover adapted for bedbugs. This is probably the best preventive measure to take. Mattresses are the bedbug's preferred habitat because that’s where they’re closest to their food supply, namely you! Protecting your mattress will go a long way toward reducing the inconvenience brought about by infestation. But obviously, good prevention doesn't stop there:


  • Regularly vacuum every room and anywhere you might find bedbugs, especially in bedrooms, mattresses (seams and folds), box springs, bed bases, baseboards, cracks and crevices in the floor, etc.
  • Wash your bedding, underwear, and clothes in very hot water and put them right into the dryer for 30 minutes at the hottest setting.
  • If possible, remove rugs, carpets, and wall paper—any place where bedbugs may hide.
  • Seal cracks and crevices in walls, floors, and woodwork with caulking.
  • Avoid clutter. Keep your home tidy and avoid accumulating objects and furniture.
  • Be careful when bringing home used items, clothes, bedding, and furniture. Inspect everything carefully.


Haut de la pageWhat should I do if I find bedbugs at home? Do I have to throw away the mattress?


It's important to report the presence of bedbugs as soon as possible and take necessary action. Call in qualified professionals. They will tell you how to prepare the premises for treatment and will either use safe, approved insecticides in specific locations or, even better, treat as many areas as they can with dry steam.
The best way to disinfect bedding is to use very hot steam, as recommended by Health Canada. Steam destroys bedbug eggs. With the crevice tool attached, vacuum the mattress, especially the seams and folds, and make sure it is completely dry before enclosing it in a cover adapted for bedbugs. If you use the appropriate treatment and a good quality cover, there’s no need to discard or replace a mattress, especially if it is new or almost new. A mattress costs much more than a cover!
Bedbugs can’t tolerate extreme heat or cold. If you suspect some bedbugs have survived, you could also try the freezing treatment. On a very cold winter day, put your mattress outside on the porch for at least 24 hours. Dust mites and bedbugs should not survive this treatment. Watch that the mattress does not collect moisture. Make sure it’s dry before putting the cover back on. If you don't want to replace your box spring or bed base, use the same treatment. Similarly, put small objects in the freezer for two to three days.



Haut de la pageCan I do the exterminating myself?


We don't recommend it. If not done correctly it could aggravate the problem, spreading bedbugs throughout your home. The simplest solution is to call in a pest control specialist. If you’re a homeowner, you may decide to treat the bedbugs yourself, but you need understand what you are up against and be methodical and thorough. Get information and seek help. Online you’ll find everything you need to know about identifying, treating, controlling, and preventing bed bugs.
It takes a lot of work to prepare an effective eradication, including cleaning shelves, washing clothes and bedding, moving furniture away from walls and reducing clutter.


Today’s bedbugs are tough and are resistant to many toxic over-the-counter products. Be careful when using insecticides and pesticides. You can buy or, if possible, rent a dry steam cleaner. This technology is non-toxic and has the advantage of also killing the eggs. Use steam treatment wherever bedbugs tend to hide: behind baseboards, in cracks, crevices, bed frames, and box springs, and especially in mattresses. Treat or wash your bedding, clothes and personal belongings.
Even after a full treatment, remain vigilant! There are two basic steps that will help prevent bed bugs from returning. Vacuum frequently with a crevice tool wherever you can, and, of course, get impervious covers for your mattress and bedding.



Haut de la pageAnd if there are still bedbugs around, how can I prevent them from reaching the bed?


Once your home has been treated for bedbugs and your mattress, bed base, and pillows are protected with impervious covers, you may still worry whether any are still around. How can you prevent them from reaching the bed? First, make sure the bed is well away from the wall. Apply strong, two-sided adhesive tape around each bed leg. If bedbugs try to climb up, they will stick to it like flypaper.
Can they walk across the ceiling and drop into the bed? It’s not unheard of!  Mark off an impenetrable security perimeter on the ceiling with the same tape. Now you can sleep peacefully! Check the tape every morning. If you never find a bedbug, you’ll know your treatment has been successful and they are no longer in your home.



Haut de la pageWhat is an N95 respirator/mask?


The NIOSH-certified N95 respirator/mask is designed to provide the wearer with respiratory protection. When tested with 0.3 micron particles, the N95 respirator/mask has a 95% filtration efficiency level in protecting against oil-free particulate aerosols. The N95 is fluid resistant, can be used for surgical procedures, and is disposable.
 “N” stands for “not resistant to oil” and “95” indicates a 95% filtration efficiency level.


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with a hermetic zipper.


Allergic to dust mites? Worried about bedbug infestations? Or just looking for the best bedding protection solution?

We can help! We have solutions for mattresses, pillows and duvets.

Questions? See our FAQ section or call us:

In Quebec City: 418-626-8611        Elsewhere, toll free: 1-888-847-7951 (French)

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